Montgomery Ward UHT J1276 Sewing Machine Instruction Manual.
A must have to get the most from your Montgomery Ward sewing machine.
Machine threading.
Changing needle.
Bobbin winding.
Thread tension adjustment.
Direction of feed.
Thread size chart.
Machine threading.
Stitch width knob.
Pattern selector guide.
Twin needle lever.
Zigzag stitching.
Stretch stitch.
Buttonhole maker knob.
How to use settings for special stitches.
Replacing the bobbin case.
Motor belt.
Sewing light bulb.
Attachment list.
Helpful hints for better sewing.
Much more!
63 page instruction-owner- user sewing machine manual.
Sewing machine Model UHT J1276 – UHTJ1276
PDF download.
Montgomery Ward UHT J1276 Sewing Machine Instruction Manual.
We have many more user manuals available for the Montgomery Ward in our shop here.
Great information to help you discover new ways to use your sewing machine.
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